Johnny Fallon

Irish Political Commentator

Archive for the month “May, 2013”

Please Support – Eurovision Handbook in aid of Irish Cancer Society

As someone who likes traditions and loves voting its no surprise that Im a huge Eurovision fan. This year, I have been lucky enough to team up with Adrian Kavanagh in order to produce ‘The 2013 Eurovision Handbook’. As many of you will know Adrian is one of the best statistical minds there is and his research on Eurovision is just amazing stuff. We decided that, whether you are a fan or not, the Eurovision contains a lot of interesting vote patterns, stories and fun.

Putting all this together we hope to give you a new way of looking at the contest and raise so money for the Irish Cancer Society while we are at it. All royalties from this book will be donated and we will not be taking any cut from it.

This handbook gives you a run down on each country and its record in the competition, any nuggets of interesting trivia, combined with mine and Adrians invaluable opinion on each song. The book also contains ‘Kavanaghs predictions’ a must if you intend to go betting (not that id trust Adrian with my mortgage mind you!). There are also chapters on The types of songs that win, the best positions to sing from and of course the politics of the competition.

Please support it and download it now for just €2.99 for a very good cause.

The kindle version is here on

Its also on here:

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Got something you don’t want to say? Ask the President

Michael D. Higgins is a politician of many admirable qualities. Very few people who came into contact with him could dislike him. He is a man of deep ideological belief and one who could connect with people across age groups and varied backgrounds. At various times I have found myself agreeing and disagreeing with his position but I have always found that he is a man of incredible intellect with enviable debating skills.

As president his most recent venture into comment on economic matters and the EU is causing controversy. Let me say at the outset that there was very little in what he said that I could personally disagree with, in fact he espoused my views quite well. Therein lies the problem. A president is not meant to be espousing my views on such matters because by doing so s/he must be disagreeing with other Irish citizens’ views. The President is a representative of the entire people, not a section, not an ideology not a party or particular position. The President is there to act as a figure head for the country as a whole and that is why divisive or highly opinionated comments are avoided.

You make think this is unfair but think about it a little more. Today I might agree with what the president said but what if tomorrow it was a president espousing some radical right wing view on economic or social matters? Would I be as happy? The words President Higgins used would be perfect had they come from the Taoiseach or Tánaiste. Why? Because while the position of Taoiseach, for instance, is a role that represents the nation too, it is also a role that comes with an opposition. The parliamentary system is there to ensure that if we disagree with a Taoiseach we can support someone else who can call him/her directly to account. The role of President has no opposition, no person with a right to hold question time on an issue. The President is above all that. It is exactly for this reason that a president must be mindful that they represent so much more than one particular view.

The problem is that this is not the first time President Higgins has strayed into this territory. Only a matter of days ago he also courted controversy by attending a Labour party event and discussing the merits of the Labour party. That seems innocuous enough until you think of the uproar if it were President McGuinness attending an SF event. Somehow, I can’t help but feel this is not all Michael D. Higgins fault however.

There is something about Higgins that always reminds me of Brian Lenihan Snr. A good man, a highly intelligent and well read man, but often used by the party to defend the indefensible or to make a speech that no one else wants to. The cabinet must approve any speech made by a president. We have to assume that the government has had no issue with the president’s utterances. That is probably because it suits from time to time. I am going to be controversial here and say that I think the president is becoming a party extension of government. The Taoiseach and Tánaiste don’t want to upset people in Europe by saying something so call the President, have him test the waters by putting it out there and it will carry weight yet we can disown it if necessary.

The president has now, on a number of occasions said things that seem to be about sparking debate and flying kites on government policy. This is not the role of the president. It cannot be a position where if there is something too delicate for us to say sure we will ask the president to throw it out there.

Michael D. Higgins may be a good man, I may agree with much of what he says but there is a dangerous precedent being set and if he is not careful one of these days the government will drop him like a hot potato when something doesn’t work out. Whether we like it or not the role of President is one largely of ceremony. Due to party political division some of us will always be offended if an FF. FG or SF Taoiseach is attending an event or greeting someone, simply because we know we are in daily opposition to that Taoiseach. The President is the person that we can all be happy to see attend the event, discuss Ireland’s merits, present an award. Why? Because we are not in conflict with the President, there is no opposition to the president because they do not get embroiled in opinion and divisive debate.

If you want to be doing that then you should be a TD, a Senator, a councillor or any of the other multitudes of roles we have for argument, commentary and debate. We have only one that is meant to be seen as a unifying position above all opinion, ideology and argument. It means that role is weak in terms of its powers, but it means a great deal in other terms. A president is not there to alienate people or to make us feel that they are the one in touch with our feelings on political matters.

Protection of Life in Pregnancy bill is only a political plaster

Today on the Irish Independent I have laid out why I think the debate is only starting on the abortion issue and why this latest attempt by the government will not solve the issues. We have a political deal but it does little to solve the real issues on either side of this debate.

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